Education and Training Workshops
Our team been involved for some 40 years in the design and delivery of workshops and seminars, based on sound adult-education principles. These encompass a wide range of topics and objectives, from hands-on technical workshops related to energy and energy efficiency in buildings, to presentations in the areas of building management and sustainable enterprises.
We are fully qualified to deliver all subjects in both the BES® and BOC® series of Operations Training Workshops, in conjunction with Seneca College and the Canadian Institute for Energy Training respectively. The subject areas for these programs include:
In addition, the Academy has developed and delivered “the 5 things” – a series of dynamic, customized workshops for building operators and managers.
For a number of our clients, comprehensive customized training workshops have been created and delivered, based on their specific needs. A sample of these include:
More details on our training services can be found at the Energy Efficiency Academy